Request for Proposals - NOW OPEN FOR 2024 - Applications due December 3, 2023

Application deadline: December 3, 2023 
Notification: 2024 AAD Annual Meeting 
Project Period: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Applications must be submitted via the portal here.  

Application Portal Link

The Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation (HSF) is seeking translational research grant applications to stimulate and support novel research ideas in the field of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) capable of competing for long-term funding from the National Institutes of Health or other agencies in the future.

Anticipated number of awards: 1-2 new grants may be awarded each year. Awards are contingent upon the availability of funds and the receipt of sufficiently meritorious applications.

Budget: Applicants may request up to $75,000 per year (direct costs only).

Application Instructions: Applications must be submitted via the portal links found on this page and the application should follow the format outlined below. 

Eligibility: The principal investigator must be personally and actively responsible for the conduct of the proposed research, and eligible to apply for research grants under the guidelines of the applicant’s host institution. Only investigators working in the United States are eligible to apply. Early-stage investigators and teams from within an institution are encouraged to apply. The HSF does not fund projects that are part of the NIH intramural research program or awards to private organizations without an academic affiliation to dermatology.

Review Criteria:
Reviewers will be asked to base their evaluations on the criteria listed below.

  • Relevance to hidradenitis suppurativa
  • Innovation
  • Strategy, methodology and analyses are well-reasoned and appropriate to accomplish the aims
  • Input of HS patients and/or caregivers in study conception, design, and upon study completion
  • Ability of investigator to accomplish aims
  • Potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success are presented
  • Diversity of the research team and the patient cohort planned for study
  • Likelihood of leading to additional funding

Upon Successful Application: Awardees will be asked to submit a headshot to be used to announce the awardees.

Reporting requirements: Within 60 days of completing the approved project, the grantee is required to submit a written report summarizing their research experience and findings. The grantee must also present the work at the annual scientific meeting of the HSF, the Symposium on Hidradenitis Suppurativa Advances (SHSA), within two years of funding. Presenting at the SHSA does not preclude presenting at another national or international meeting, as the SHSA permits simultaneous submission of the same abstract to other meetings. If an approved project cannot be completed as originally proposed or within the time limits mandated, the grantee must immediately contact the HSF.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation Translational Research Grant Application

The application should follow the following format, with a minimum of 0.5 inch margins and minimum of 11-point Arial font, single spaced.   

A. TITLE PAGE: Include the grant title, principal investigator’s name, and affiliations.

B. ABSTRACT: Summarize the proposed research for a scientific audience. Abstract must not exceed 350 words.

C. LAYMAN’S STATEMENT: Summarize the proposed research for a non-scientific audience. This statement should describe the research question, the aims of the project, and the project’s significance with respect to HS. Layman’s statement must not exceed 200 words.

D. BUDGET: Each grant is limited to $75,000 for one year. Indirect costs are not allowed. Provide a budget and budget justification. Award may be used to provide salary support for PI or other staff. List all personnel to be included in the project and their anticipated support. The award will also support administrative costs such as REDCap fees, IRB applications, biobanking fees, patient reimbursement. Publication costs for open access and travel costs up to $1500 will also be allowed.

E. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH(ES): Use the current NIH format to provide a biographical sketch for the principal investigator and any co-investigators who will play a significant role on the project. Each biographical sketch must not exceed five (5) pages.

F. LETTER(S) OF SUPPORT: Applicants may use up to five pages to provide letters of support from collaborators, consultants and supporting facilities/resources who will contribute to the proposed research. If the applicant is a postdoctoral fellow, a letter of support from the applicant’s immediate supervisor must be provided. A letter of support from an applicant’s chair to demonstrate departmental support is encouraged.

G. RESEARCH PROPOSAL: Research proposals must include the following five sections, maximum four (4) pages:

  1. Specific aims: The goals of this one-year proposal should be succinctly stated. What hypothesis is to be tested? What do you intend to accomplish?
  2. Background, significance, and innovation: Why is the research important? Evaluate existing knowledge in the field and specifically identify the possible contributions that your investigation may make.
  3. Preliminary data/studies: Describe published or unpublished data that support your hypothesis, specific aims and/or experimental design.
  4. Experiment design: Describe the experimental design, the procedures to be used, and the data analysis plan. Descriptions of established lab procedures are not necessary. Future directions should also be indicated.
  5. Proposed Impact: Describe how findings from this study will impact patient care.

H. REFERENCES: List of references cited.

I. HUMAN SUBJECT PROTECTION: Describe samples, risks, adequacy of protection against risks, and potential benefit. Applications related to research on human subjects must be approved by the institutional review board prior to the initiation of successful awards.

J. ANIMAL STUDIES: Applications that involve research on animals or development of animal models for HS may be considered so long as there is a clear connection to human translational research. Applications related to research on animals must be approved by the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) prior to the initiation of successful awards.


Application Portal Link